Friday, August 9, 2013

Is this thing still on?

Yes? No? testing... testing....

After a much longer than planned hiatus I'm back.  No excuses, life just has a way of getting hectic.  Last semester I was stretched beyond my breaking point with traveling all the time for clinicals and wedding stuff, planning to move, and finishing my last semesters on campus.  It was enough to send me into a near panic somedays.  But, I'm back.  Hopefully for good this time.

Anyways- we're married now, yay! I guess I'm officially living the Aud Army Life :) I'll do a few catch up posts on the big day.  It was absolutely perfect and went off without a hitch.  Some photos so I don't leave you completely hanging:

best photo of me and my ladies, IMHO

LOVED our photographer.  He's pretty much amazing.

"For you are mine... At last" ~Our first dance.

We went to Cali for 6 days for the most relaxing and fancy honeymoon a girl could ever ask for.  Wine, great food, and most amount of time spent with the boy in forever- yes please!!

One of my favorite vineyards- Castello di Amerosa
Castello- on of our favorites! We came home with 8 bottles from them, whoops!
Rubicon by Inglenook.  Saving our bottle for our 10 year anniversary.
Opus vineyard
View from the top
Army news, we're doing the geo-bachelor life right now.  He was selected in January at SFAS to begin the SF pipeline to hopefully become a SF team leader.  He's in the heart of CCC right now with the Q-course to follow.  It is going to be a crazy long journey and I'm prepared to meet it head on.

I'll be doing some catch ups soon, with the wedding, honeymoon, life in TN and soon my trip to go visit him at CCC! I've still be following you lovely ladies and will get back into the blogging mindset again.

Also- find me on twitter AudArmyWife :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Life Ain't Always Beautiful

Life is too short to be taken for granted.  I was reminded of this all too clearly today with a simple phone call.  Fiance found out today his former platoon sergeant and the first NCO he really worked with passed away very unexpectedly.  His PS really mentored and helped shape fiance into the soldier he is today, and they worked very closely from preparing to deploy and most of deployment as well.  Needless to say, we are both very stunned and saddened by this loss.  He left behind a toddler and very loving wife who included me in the FRG goings ons, even if I was "only a girlfriend" to other ladies.  It has been a rough evening with lots of long silences on the phone.  Fiance said it so well; you prepare your mind for the possibility of losing soldiers when you are deployed, not at home and not working on post. 

So, 161 CAV boys, I’m thinking of you.  And ladies, if you could keep this man’s family in your thoughts and prayers I’d really appreciate it.  You'll be missed soldier. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Under the Knife

Ugh, so ready to be done with school and this semester.  I'll be lucky to squeak out a 3.0 this semester, statistics is kicking my butt!

Anyways, yes, I am getting surgery.  Friday to be exact.  For what? Something I've wanted for a long time now (no, not boobs, those showed up a few years ago :P) but LASIK! I don't have terrible eyesight by any means, but enough that's bothersome and I have a driving restriction since I cannot read road signs without glasses or contacts.

I'm going in on Friday to have pre-op testing and hopefully the actual procedure as well.  I'm very fortunate to have amazing insurance through my parents that covers a majority of the procedure.  Once I'm married, I did my research and tricare won't take care of it and my insurance won't cover it after the new year.  Thus, sparking the need to get it done sooner rather than later! I usually throw my glasses on after a long day of school, but I have to be in them for 5 days prior to the procedure and they are driving me up a wall.  Here is to hopefully being glasses free in the next 48 hours!

In wedding news: bridesmaid dresses are in, and I big pink puffy heart them! Honestly, if one of my girls doesn't like them, I'd totally buy it back from her :) They are a deep sapphire/royal blue in duchess satin with a v neck and have a belt cut on the bias to cinch in at the natural waist.  Very flattering, at least I seem to think so.  They also have a pencil skirt to look modern and cocktail like.  I found them from an amazing online boutique  They were a dream to work with, and I cannot wait to show everyone photos :)  Wedding ceremony music is decided, just need to find the musicians to play it! Trying to decide between string trio or piano.  It's hard finding musician, and ones that will return emails/phone calls, harrumph.  It'll be 6 months until wedding day on Sunday- eeek!! Still so much to do :)

This year will also be the first time I making thanksgiving dinner.  Fiance and I are going to be by ourselves in the Kentuc-essee region so I'm going down there for a week to wedding plan, rewrite my thesis, and start our own traditions as a couple.  This year I have classes/finals until Dec 21st, so that puts a damper on my holiday planning and shopping.  So the two of us may brave some shopping together before thanksgiving just for the sake of time.

Anyone have fun Thanksgiving traditions they started as newlyweds? Any advice for someone making their first dinner?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

New Roommate!

Not the only roommate I'd love to have *cough* soldier *cough* but still something kinda snuggly!
Ignore post workout attire
I got a baby hedgehog! Her name is Laurel, and she is about 10 weeks old.  We're still getting to know each other, and I'm slowly getting her to trust me.  She gets a little cranky sometimes since she is in the process of quilling and has some irritated and itchy skin.  But yes, my little buddy now :)
Yes that's a worm, but it's freeze dried and dead.  She thinks they are like crack.
Isn't she stinking adorable? I just can't get over that face.  Now if only she could figure out her exercise ball haha.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

New Title, New URL

Many of you may have noticed that the URL and name have changed.  I really hope this move hasn’t screwed up any followers, it still shows everyone as there.  Let me know if there are any issues with this move! It was pointed out to me recently that my URL said military girlfriend, of which I am not anymore.  Instead, I feel the change to Aud Army Life hits on my education and career aspirations and that some times Army life can be rather “odd/aud”.  Ear humor, just let it happen :)

In short, I’m back.  It’s bee quite a busy few months since August.  I spent much of August on the road; going to Colorado for a conference for a week, then to TN to spend time wedding planning with fiancé and attend a wedding, then STL to visit the BFFs all before school was set to start up yet again.  My poor car has hit 110k miles, I’m just hoping she holds up until I finish school and have a big girl salary. 

Once school began, I’ve been hitting the ground running.  While this semester has been not as full course wise, this is certainly busier than I anticipated. My research project is kind of stagnant, and my advisor who’s wife just had a baby, is now going to be out with foot surgery for 2 weeks.  While he is off his feet for awhile, at least he will have time to read papers and make changes.  I’m still really hoping I can get my paper and everything together to get to do my prelim next month.  This is going to be a CRAZY weekend of parking it in the library, but I’m feeling the pressure to get this done. 

Wedding stuff has been going fantastically! I’m pretty good with where we are time wise.  I’m still behind on finding ceremony musicians, but I have some contacts that I need to get in touch with.  Save the dates are sent out and engagement photos are done, so I’ve started to look at ordering prints to actually hang things on walls!  I’ll be sure to share a few at the bottom of this post.  The dress I'm wearing in the uniform photos is actually one I won from Shabby Apple! I won a $75 gift card from Stetsons, Spurs, and Stilettos'  giveaway, and I'm obsessed with that dress.  I can wear it professionally, or I can glam it up for a night on the town.  Now I just need to find another occasion to wear it.

In the internship arena, I’ve had 2 interviews and still waiting on a few more to be scheduled.  I’m really hopeful for one near the fiance even though he won’t be in the TN area again.  We’re in the awkward SFAS limbo, along with Captain’s Course.  Yes, fiance made the Captain’s promotion list!!! We’re excited, and interested to see where Army life is taking us next.  He hasn’t officially promoted yet, but we think next month may be it.  I get to put on his new bars this time, so I’m beyond excited! I was present at his commissioning  but this might be the only promotion I'm a part of unless he decides to stay until Major, but that's a looooooooong ways away. 

So- now for the wedding related photo bomb:

Save the Dates, all 125 of them!
Outside our HS we attended.
By the old lockers we used to slip notes into
Of couse, uniform photos!
One of my favorites, we were at a castle here.
Such a fun moment
And a little saucy ;)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Blogger 411

1.How long have you been blogging? And what got you started on blogging? Has your blog changed?
I've been blogging for just over a year now. It started as a way to connect to the military community while boyfriend deployed and I was starting grad school. Now my little corner has turned into wedding planning and life planning along with the army!

2. Did you go to college? If so where, and what did you study?
Oh boy, I've been in school far too long! I did my undergrad degree in a small school in MO where I studied Communication Disorders, minored in Psychology and an emphasis in Disability Studies. Now I'm working on my Doctorate in Audiology at Illinois. I CANNOT wait to be finished, hurry up May 17, 2014!

3. Where have you traveled?
All over the US minus the southwest and the northeast states. Internationally, I've only been to the Bahamas, but should Captain's Course not start until next June, fiance and I may be fixing that with a week long honeymoon in Europe.

4. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
I wouldn't buy much of anything to start with, I'd pay off my loans, and save the rest to finish up school and live off of during my internship year. Anything left over would go to setting up a retirement/investment portfolio and financial cushion to recover from grad school. Maybe a splurge on my fiance as a wicked wedding present and a 'new to me' car once mine needs to be replaced. Not fun stuff, but totally necessary. Anyone want to give me a winning ticket??

5. What are your 3 biggest pet peeves?
Intolerance of others, people chewing gum loudly, and scuffing shoes while walking (seriously how hard is it to pick up your feet!?!)

6. What is your favorite movie?
Young Frankenstein (pronounced Frank-en-schtein)

7. What is your drink of choice; wine, beer, or liquor. Or Water, Soda, Tea?
Favorite wine: Francis Ford Coppola Shiraz, Beer: Spotted Cow by New Glarus Brewery, Liquor: Vodka, any and all kinds.

8. What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time?
I like to cook a fancy new meal, maybe a recipe from pinterest, do my nails, and enjoy a movie with a glass of wine.

9. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be?
Tough choice, but probably Target. They have everything there!

10. Share with us an embarrassing moment of your past? Or present.
One of my more embarrassing stories, this happened while I was in HS. I was on a girl scout trip with my troop, and we were driving to Chicago. I should also mention at this point, I didn't drive on highways/tollways due to parental restrictions. We were going through the automatic toll booths, when I asked, "Do I have to go through the manual lane because I drive a manual transmission?". Needless to say, I've yet to live that one down.

11. What day would you love to relive again?
It's a tie, homecoming and engagement day. Both days I never though I could ever be happier.

12. If your life was turned into a movie... what actor would play you?
I've been told I kind of look like Julia Stiles, so I'd go with her, I also love her sassy character in 10 things I hate about you.

13. What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years?
My first job was working as a summer custodial assistant at my high school. We went through and deep cleaned all the classrooms, painted, and did other odd and end jobs to get the school ready for fall. It was far from glamorous, but 40 hours a week minimum and no evening or weekends for a 16 year old was a pretty sweet deal! After that I worked at a summer camp for 4 years during college. I loved my co workers and getting to spend my days with some awesome kids outdoors.

14. Show us a picture from high school or college.
My senior prom together, scandalous dancing of course.
15. If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go?
I would LOVE to go on an African Safari, going on jeep rides through the savannah and seeing tons of wild animals.  I also heard of a few resorts that have luxury tree houses to stay in, how freaking cool would that be!?!

16. Show us the most current picture of you or you, or your family, or anything of meaning to you.
Photo from the wedding reception this past weekend with the man that means everything to me
17. Where do you see your life 5 years from now?
I hope to be a fully licensed and board certified Audiologist, maybe working in a hospital or VA center. I will still be madly in love with my husband, and maybe we'll have some furry paws running around our house :) Who knows where we'll be with the Army, but I might still be an army wife.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Wedding Update and Test Info

So, some of you may remember the big nasty test I took in early June that had me panicked... well results came in today- I PASSED on the first try :) I'm beyond excited!!!  Next step, national exam, finishing classes/project, and year long internship- then I'll finally be an audiologist.  May 2014 better hurry up!

Wedding update: dress and veil- check! venue- check! photographer- check! officiant- check! bridal party-check!

I'm making a lot of wedding progress.  It really helps having the fiance around to do things together.  Our vision for the day is really starting to come together.  I just wish I could share a photo of my dress, I'm so very much in love with it and cannot wait to wear it.  It'll kill me to have to wait 6 months for it to even come in.  I'm keeping the dress under wraps until the wedding day, only close friends and family have seen it thus far. 

My to-do list is ever growing, but this weekend the fiance and I have a wedding to attend for my good friend.  It'll be our first one together, and I'm a bridesmaid so that'll make a fun but busy weekend.  We also have 2 cake tastings scheduled on Friday- yay for cake.  I'll be sure to post pics from my b-maid adventures.  I'm slowly trying to ease back into blogging at my usual rate.  I think once block leave is over, and I'm done driving to Chicago every week I'll finally have more me time yet again. 

I'm still reading and commenting away, but don't worry, I am still around this little corner of the internet.  I'll post pics once I get my camera again, I left it in Chicago like an idiot last time I was at clinical rotations.  Well, my thesis is a calling me again, back to work for me.