Look at this bad boy.... I can remember looking at it hitting halfway and getting so happy, now I can almost count the weeks on 2 hands. It may be even sooner, just playing the wait and see game as to when the Army will finally decide upon a return day. He will be home soon enough, I keep telling myself to just keep going one day at at time.
I'm so ready for all this deployment mess to be over. I hate that I am now glued to my computer all the time and go completely bonkers if my phone is not within my reach at all times. I miss the care-free days of R&R, can he just be home already?
Also, this summer semester of classes and 2 full days of clinicals are going to kill me. I have weekly quizzes on about 40 medical terminology roots and on electophysiology in my other class. How I am managing to stay awake, I have no clue!
Before I know it, the end of the semester is going to be here and LT will be home again, I've got some serious pool time to get in, a very messy apartment and some intense cleaning that needs to happen. Maybe this weekend I will not be distracted by nice weather and get my stuff done. Well, here is to hoping, ha!
In the next several weeks I'm going to be having some fun visitors so that is always exciting and will make the time go by even faster. I've also taken up swimming with my classmates for exercise to mix up our workout routines before our next 5K and man does that kick your butt! I haven't been swimming as a means of exercise in a very long time, and oof, I'm feeling it. Now if only my swimming plugs would come in so I could go and not have to worry about swimmer's ear :(.
My external placement is continuing to go well, I am learning a whole lot and getting a lot more comfortable with hearing aids and the process that goes into fitting them. Also the patients I see never cease to amaze me, they are really a special gang :) But, I have some clinic paperwork to get done, I have a full day of clinicals and classes tomorrow. Living the grad school dream ;)
Your summer sounds so much like mine two years ago- cell phone always near, laptop always on, etc. :)